CS: Mon-Thurs 9am-1pm 2pm-5pm | Frid 9am-1pm

Our commitments

Quality and Environment


Our corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy is reflected in our operational activities and interactions with stakeholders. It is structured around our ISO certifications and our “environment and quality” management system, responsible practices in our relationships with suppliers and service providers, transparent management of collected waste, and a long-standing commitment to inclusion.

ISO Qualité

ISO 9001: quality

  • Since 2006.
  • Rigorous quality control, both internally and throughout the Conibi network.
  • Managed processes and risk control.
  • Internalized customer service.
  • A shared goal of continuous procedure improvement
ISO Environnement

ISO 14001: environment

  • Since 2006.
  • Environmentally-friendly collection and recycling practices.
  • Minimized waste and emissions.
  • Responsible and rational use of natural resources.
  • A shared goal of high environmental performance.

A daily collective commitment

Our best practices are embedded in our Environment and Quality Management System (Système de management environnement et qualité, SMEQ).
This policy guides our daily actions and translates into seven commitments: Elle se traduit par 7 engagements :

  • Control of environmental footprint.
  • Priority to the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle.
  • Preservation of natural resources.
  • Safety, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Client satisfaction and regulatory compliance.
  • Professionalization of our service providers.
  • Short supply chains and optimized collection routes.


Conibi’s traceability relies on certified technical expertise, transparent procedures, and regular checks.

Waste tracking form

Each collection generates a waste tracking form (bordereau de suivi de déchets, BSD) provided to the client. Although not mandatory, Conibi has voluntarily implemented this form.

The BSD allows for the identification, tracking, and control of a collection from its pickup to its recycling.

Intervention return form

Once delivered to our sorting centers, consumables are sorted by brand and category. The client then receives an intervention return form (bordereau de retour d’intervention, BRI) which details the contents of their collection, including brand, category, quantity, and destination—whether for reuse or recycling—down to the individual item.

Recycling report

This report summarizes the environmental savings generated by the treatment of the collected consumables. It uses equivalents in raw materials, natural resources, energy, and CO2 to measure the environmental impact of selective sorting actions. This report is available upon request. This report is available upon request.

Social and solidarity economy


Since 2012, Conibi has entrusted the sorting of its consumables to supported businesses.

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) encompasses businesses that combine solidarity, economic performance, and social utility. We are deeply committed to this principle. Of the 4 Conibi sorting centers based in France, 3 are adapted companies: Maine Ateliers (Mayenne), Eiclor (Moselle) and Weee Entreprise Adaptée Weeecycling (Seine-Maritime).

Their mission of inclusion and local integration aligns with a logic of social entrepreneurship and industrial efficiency. For Conibi, this ensures control over risks and consumable flows. All Conibi sorting centers are regularly visited and audited annually.

1 %

of the consumables collected by Conibi are sorted by SSE companies

Two charters that commit us


“Supplier relations and responsible purchasing” charter

Signed by Conibi in 2016 and still in force, this charter commits companies to establishing“a balanced and sustainable relationship with their suppliers“. It translates into ten commitments, including:

  • A responsible and respectful financial relationship between parties.
  • Fair and peaceful economic relations.
  • Consideration of the supplier’s overall costs by the company.
  • Incorporation of CSR issues to enhance purchasing practices.
    Internal ethics in the purchasing function.

Conibi service provider environmental charter

Signed by each of our service providers, this charter defines environmental objectives aligned with Conibi’s continuous improvement approach, particularly:

  • Compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Reduction of energy consumption.
  • Responsible internal management of waste and water.
  • Raising staff awareness about the importance of the environment.

Providers are also required to measure their environmental performance. They arer audited annually.